Student Visionaries of the Year Indianapolis

Natasha Nair | Natasha Nair

Natasha's Student Visionaries of the Year Fundraiser

Jan 07, 2024

My name is Natasha Nair and I am a visionary; I have a vision for a world without cancer, but I need your help.

In elementary school , I watched with dismay as some of my classmates showed up with bald heads, tired faces and seemed to loose weight rather quickly . For the first time I heard the word chemotherapy and cancer and came to dread them as I knew what was to follow . As I progressed through middle school and high school it seems like every year I had yet another classmate recieve the dreaded diagnosis and put up a exhausting , mind numbing fight . I watched the worried faces of their parents, the hushed tones my teachers used when they urged us to keep a classmate in our thoughts and the drastically changed young adult who walked in after a bout with cancer therapy .Some lost and some won this fight but all were affected- they and their families forever scarred. 

As someone who has loved and lost to a singular diagnosis i urge you today to give the gift of life. With your donations, change can be made. It is a drop in the bucket towards a cancer patients journey towards trials, medicine, and quality affordable coordinated care.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was built on that same vision - of a better world - one without blood cancers.

This year, I’m proud to be a part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign, working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission.


As a global leader in the fight against blood cancer, LLS:

  • Funds cutting-edge research leading to breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized medicine that are improving and saving the lives of patients
  • Provides free education and support for blood cancer patients and families, including personalized, one-on-one support, assistance with identifying and enrolling in clinical trials, and more.
  • Mobilizes thousands of advocates to drive policy changes that accelerate the development of new cancer treatments and break down barriers to care.

Please consider joining this fight by making a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax-deductible. Please visit my website often and tell friends who would also like to donate!


Thanks to your support, my efforts will help ensure this generation is the last to see cancer.

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere, thank you!


For more information about LLS, please visit




  • Hansa and Preya

    Worthy cause! Great job Tasha!

  • Priya Menon

    For my aunt

  • Alan Bercovitz

    In blessed memory of my sister. Thank you Natasha for your work on this very worthy cause.

  • Maria Pimentel-Gannon

    I am glad that my young friend asked me to donate. My mother and sister-in-law both lost their lives to leukemia. My youngest daughter was born with the rare type of melanoma. Both she and my husband have had successful surgeries for melanomas. A couple of sisters in law have also had melanomas. One of my sisters is a cancer survivor. It may not be with much, but I make this donation to help find a cure. Period I support this with all my heart! I am grateful for my young friend, who has chosen the leukemia and lymphoma society as the recipient of her edits and her source of energy! I wish a plethora of Gid’s blessings upon all of you. Let’s keep up the good fight!

  • Kristina Kruse

    My father, Larry, has battled leukemia 2 times in his lifetime

  • Golars, LLC

    LLS - Rajesh Ambat (Natasha’s student visionaries of the year fundraiser.

  • Anindita Sen

    All the best, Natasha! Keep up the good work.

  • Heidi Pifer/Pifer Family

    Thank you so much for supporting this great cause.

  • Nimmi & Rabee

    In memory of our beloved sister and brother whom we lost to cancer, and of my own survival.

  • Hendricks Regional Health

    Hendricks Regional Health is proud to support Natasha as well as all of those in the fight against cancer. We honor the patients, their families, and all of the dedicated caregivers who stand strong and lift each other up each and every day.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you!

  • Shaanti Dasgupta

    proud of you Tash <3

  • Shruti Sakhuja

    Great cause Tasha. Keep up the good work! You will get a matching amount from my company, Experian as well.

  • Hardik Shah

    Dear Natasha - Thank you for signing up and fundraising for a great cause with LLS! Great job and we are all super proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep it up! Hardik & Hardi Shah and family

  • Barnali Dasgupta

    Great initiative Tasha, keep up the good work

Contact us by email or call 888.LLS.7177.